Chapter 3: Working with Libraries
In This Chapter
Understanding Libraries
Customizing and working with Libraries
Building your own Libraries
Windows 8.1 brought several infuriating changes to Windows 8 — I’d list the privacy-busting Smart Search (see Book II, Chapter 3) “feature” as the worst culprit. But in the same breath, I’d have to mention Microsoft’s attempt to make it difficult to use Libraries.
Libraries were a key selling point for Windows 7: They really do make it easier for you to organize and maintain your files. The feature continued untarnished in Windows 8. Unfortunately, Microsoft decided to stunt and bury them in Windows 8.1. If I were a more cynical soul, I would guess that MS is trying to get you to use SkyDrive — and pay the piper for cloud storage.
It’s silly, really, because Libraries are the single best way to incorporate SD card storage into your everyday Windows life. When Libraries are set up with the Public folders activated (as should’ve been the case in Windows 8.1 straight out of the box), they also give you a chance to share data with other people on your computer or on your home network.
In this chapter, I start with some concepts and then show you ...