© Mike Halsey and Andrew Bettany 2015
Andrew Bettany and Mike HalseyWindows File System Troubleshooting10.1007/978-1-4842-1016-1_8

8. Restoring Files and Folder Security Settings

Mike Halsey and Andrew Bettany2
Microsoft MVP, Sheffield, South Yorkshire, UK
Microsoft MVP, York, North Yorkshire, UK
Many years ago, when I was a junior sysadmin, my experienced IT manager said to me, “Administrative privileges have to be earned and not taken for granted.” I think he was trying to protect me (and more, important, his workplace) from the potential damage that a noob administrator can wreak if he or she is not careful! We can all sometimes take the administrator account that we use for granted.
Accidents can and will happen from time to time, and when ...

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