Windows Phone Recipes: A Problem-Solution Approach, Second Edition

Book description

Windows Phone 7.5 (code-named Mango) marks a significant upgrade to Microsoft's smartphone products. Packed with sophisticated new features and functionality, the device is a .NET developer's dream, easily programmable using Silverlight, XNA and C#.

Windows Phone Recipes utilizes a proven problem-solution approach, providing a concise guide to all the phone's features in recipe book format. First, the problem you're facing is identified. Then, a clear explanation of the solution is given, supported by a fully-worked code sample that demonstrates the feature in action.

All aspects of development, configuration, testing, and distribution are covered. You'll find recipes that unlock advanced user interface features, deal with data storage, integrate with cloud services, add media and location services, and much more. It's everything you'll need to put a professional polish on your Windows Phone 7.5 applications!

What you'll learn

Understand how to design, develop, test and distribute your Windows Phone 7.5 applications

Create compelling user interfaces using all the phone's features, including the camera, GPS and accelerometer

Learn how to debug your applications and package them for distribution and sale though the Windows Phone Marketplace and beyond

Extend your application into the cloud using push notifications and web-based services to take advantage of off-device processing and storage

Who this book is for

This book is for existing .NET and Windows Mobile developers. Its concise recipe format will also appeal to new Windows Phone developers and those looking for an insightful reference to support their day-to-day coding efforts.

Table of contents

  1. Title
  2. Dedication
  3. Contents at a Glance
  4. Contents
  5. About the Authors
  6. About the Technical Reviewer
  7. Acknowledgments
  8. About This Book
  9. Chapter 1: Introduction to Windows Phone Application Development
    1. 1-1. Examining Windows Phone
    2. 1-2. Understanding the Development Tools
    3. 1-3. Creating a Simple Silverlight Windows Phone Application
    4. 1-4. Creating a Simple XNA Windows Phone Application
    5. 1-5. Creating a Simple XNA and Silverlight Mixed Application
    6. 1-6. Deploying the Application to the Windows Phone Emulator
    7. 1-7. Deploying the Windows Phone Application on the Device
    8. 1-8. Sending a Windows Phone Application to the Marketplace
    9. 1-9. Creating a Trial Windows Phone Application
  10. Chapter 2: Windows Phone Execution Model And Multitasking
    1. 2-1. Navigating Between Pages
    2. 2-2. Passing Data Through Pages
    3. 2-3. Navigating Between Pages Using Global Application Variables
    4. 2-4. Navigating Between Pages with State
    5. 2-5. Managing Tombstoning in Windows Phone Silverlight Applications
    6. 2-6. Managing Tombstoning in Windows Phone XNA Applications
    7. 2-7. Implementing Multitasking
    8. 2-8. Scheduling Alarms and Reminders
    9. 2-9. Managing Obscured and Unobscured Events
  11. Chapter 3: User Interface
    1. 3-1. Creating an Animated Splash Screen
    2. 3-2. Using the ApplicationBar Control
    3. 3-3. Detecting Changes in the Theme Template
    4. 3-4. Customizing the Soft Input Panel Keyboard to Accept Only Numbers
    5. 3-5. Using the Windows Phone Predefined Styles
    6. 3-6. Localizing Your Application
    7. 3-7. Using Panorama and Pivot Controls
    8. 3-8. Spicing Up the User Interface with the Silverlight Toolkit
    9. 3-9. Using Launchers and Choosers
    10. 3-10. Accessing to the Contacts Library
    11. 3-11. Adding Advertising to Your Application
  12. Chapter 4: User Interface with Expression Blend
    1. 4-1. Getting Ready for Light and Dark
    2. 4-2. Changing the Skin of Your App
    3. 4-3. Creating Some Cool Animation
    4. 4-4. Customizing a Control
  13. Chapter 5: Gestures
    1. 5-1. Managing Gestures in a Silverlight Windows Phone Application
    2. 5-2. Adding Gestures Management to Click-less Silverlight Controls
    3. 5-3. Handling Gestures in a Graphical Context, Such as a Game Menu
    4. 5-4. Managing Gestures from the Silverlight for Windows Phone Toolkit
  14. Chapter 6: Sensors
    1. 6-1. Resetting a Form by Shaking the Phone
    2. 6-2. Creating a Seismograph
    3. 6-3. Indicating the User's Position on a Map
    4. 6-4. Displaying Sunset and Sunrise
    5. 6-5. Indicating the User's Position via Coordinates
    6. 6-6. Using the Radio
    7. 6-7. Building an Augmented Reality Application
  15. Chapter 7: Media Management
    1. 7-1. Taking a Photo from Your Phone Camera
    2. 7-2. Capturing Photo Camera Video Frames
    3. 7-3. Picking a Photo from Your Media Library
    4. 7-4. Add Integration Between Your Application and Windows Phone
    5. 7-5. Using Media Player to Shuffle Songs in Your Media Library
    6. 7-6. Playing Music Streamed from SkyDrive
    7. 7-7. Using the Microphone in the Funny Repeater Application
    8. 7-8. Using the MediaElement Control to Play Both Music and Video
    9. 7-9. Adding Integration with the Music-Videos Hub
  16. Chapter 8: Isolated Storage
    1. 8-1. Saving and Loading a File in Isolated Storage
    2. 8-2. Saving Serialized Data
    3. 8-3. Implementing the Local Database
    4. 8-4. Modifying the Settings of Your Application
    5. 8-5. Saving a Photo in Isolated Storage
    6. 8-6. Using Isolated Storage Explorer
    7. 8-7. Implementing Background File Transfer
  17. Chapter 9: In the Cloud
    1. 9-1. Interacting with WCF
    2. 9-2. Accessing OData Services
    3. 9-3. Creating a Feed Reader
    4. 9-4. Creating a Google API–based Translator
    5. 9-5. Pushing Your Notification
  18. Chapter 10: Testing Windows Phone Applications
    1. 10-1. Implementing MVVM on Windows Phone Using MVVM Light
    2. 10-2. Implementing MVVM on Windows Phone Using Prism
    3. 10-3. Using MVVM and Performing Unit Testing
    4. 10-4. Using Application Profiling
    5. 10-5. Following Certification Test Steps
  19. Index

Product information

  • Title: Windows Phone Recipes: A Problem-Solution Approach, Second Edition
  • Author(s): Fabio Claudio Ferracchiati, Emanuele Garofalo
  • Release date: December 2011
  • Publisher(s): Apress
  • ISBN: 9781430241379