Chapter 21. The Windows Registry
As the configuration store for the vast majority of applications, the registry plays a central role in system administration. It is also generally hard to manage.
Although command-line tools (such as reg.exe) exist to help you work with the registry, their interfaces are usually inconsistent and confusing. The Registry Editor graphical user interface is easy to use, but it does not support scripted administration.
PowerShell tackles this problem by exposing the Windows Registry as a navigation provider: a data source that you navigate and manage in exactly the same way that you work with the filesystem.
Navigate the Registry
You want to navigate and explore the Windows Registry.
Use the Set-Location
cmdlet to navigate the registry, just as you would navigate the
PS > Set-Location HKCU: PS > Set-Location \Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run PS > Get-Location Path ---- HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run
PowerShell lets you navigate the Windows
Registry in exactly the same way that you navigate the filesystem,
certificate drives, and other navigation-based providers. Like these other providers, the registry provider supports the
cmdlet (with the
standard aliases of sl
, cd
, and chdir
), Push-Location
(with the standard alias
), Pop-Location
(with the standard alias popd
), and more.
For information about how to change registry keys once you get to a registry location, ...
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