Creating IPv4 DHCP Scopes
Before a DHCP server can be useful, it must be authorized, and a scope must be created and activated. DHCP authorization can be performed using the DHCP Post-Install Wizard or it can be performed from within the DHCP server console. This section details how to create a basic DHCP IPv4 scope on a newly authorized DHCP server. To create a new DHCP IPv4 scope, follow these steps:
1. On a server with the DHCP Server Tools installed, click the Server Manager tile on the taskbar.
2. When the Server Manager console opens, click Tools, and then select the DHCP option.
3. If no servers are listed when the DHCP console opens, right-click DHCP in the tree pane and select Add Server.
4. In the Add Server windows, if the server is ...
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