Translating Strings Between Unicode and ANSI

You use the Windows function MultiByteToWideChar to convert multibyte-character strings to wide-character strings. MultiByteToWideChar is shown here:

int MultiByteToWideChar(
   UINT uCodePage,
   DWORD dwFlags,
   PCSTR pMultiByteStr,
   int cbMultiByte,
   PWSTR pWideCharStr,
   int cchWideChar);

The uCodePage parameter identifies a code page number that is associated with the multibyte string. The dwFlags parameter allows you to specify an additional control that affects characters with diacritical marks such as accents. Usually the flags aren’t used, and 0 is passed in the dwFlags parameter (For more details about the possible values for this flag, read the MSDN online help at ...

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