Chapter 14. Avoiding Invasion (By Malware, Spyware, Viruses, and the Other Usual Suspects)

In This Chapter

  • Running new Windows Defender features

  • Protecting your system

  • Avoiding risky behavior

Spyware is insidious, unsanctioned software that intrudes upon not only the performance of your systems but also upon your time, your patience — and ultimately, your pocketbook. As your productivity comes to a screeching halt, or at best a slow drip, you are then forced to turn your attention to your arsenal of security tools to partake in the often‐painful mission of ridding your system of this invasive pest. Spyware is arguably the most significant and costly computer‐support issue today — by many reports, even occurring at more than twice the amount of computer virus infections. Add to this the issues encountered from other unapproved software, and you can see that invasion by malware, spyware, viruses, and their ilk is a matter of epidemic proportion.

In this chapter, you can read how spyware, viruses, and other unapproved software can affect your systems. You then see how to use Vista Windows Defender to protect and respond to spyware and when you might need to turn to other tools to help. I also discuss what you can do to protect your system from other approved programs that also affect your systems and could place your personal or sensitive information security at risk.

The 411 on Unsanctioned Software

Unsanctioned software is not approved by the user or those who set policies for when and ...

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