904 | Index
mouse, optimizing settings (continued)
Hide pointer while typing, 155
Horizontal Scroll, 155
left-handed, 154
mouse wheel with a tilt feature, 155
pointer speed, 155
pointer trails, 155
pointer, automatically move to default
button in dialog box, 155
recognizing a double-click, 155
Switch primary and secondary
buttons, 154
Turn on ClickLock, 155
Vertical scrolling options, 155
pointers, 82–83
Mouse Keys, 470
Movie Maker, 356–382
Add to Timeline, 372
adding items to storyboard, 360
adding media items to video, 359
adding music or other audio, 372
Adjust Clip Volume dialog box, 372, 373
Audio Levels, 373
AutoMovie, 364–365
Audio Levels slider, 365
Browse link, 365
Create AutoMovie, 365
editing styles, 364
Enter a Title for the Movie link, 364
Fade and Reveal, 364
Flip and Slide, 364
Highlights Movie, 364
Music Video, 364
Old Movie, 364
Select Audio or Background Music
link, 365
Sports Highlights, 364
Collection Pane, 357
Collections folder, 360
creating finished DVD, 381
effects, 367–369
Add or Remove Effects dialog
box, 367
adding, 367
adding multiple, 367
adding same effect to multiple
items, 369
managing multiple, 367
multiple associated effects, 367
no effects, 367
one associated effect, 367
seeing how an effect works, 367
using, 367
encoding settings, 379
features, 357
fine-tuning play order, 361
getting started, 356–358
Import Media Items dialog box, 372
managing inserted audio files
moving, 372
trimming, 372
Narrate Timeline Pane, 370
Audio Device list, 370
Mute speakers, 370
Start Narration, 371
Stop Narration, 371
narration, music, and other
audio, 370–373
opening and producing saved
projects, 382
Preview Monitor Size, 378
Preview Pane, 357
Next Frame, 362
Play/Pause, 362
Previous Frame, 362
Split, 362
previewing and finishing movie, 378–381
project files, 378
publishing movie to video file
Choose the settings for your
movie, 380
Name the movie you are
publishing, 380
Publish Movie Wizard, 380
Publish To list, 380
Where do you want to publish your
movie?, 380
recording input from other audio
sources, 371
selecting items to add to video, 359
steps for creating movies, 358
creating, 358
editing, 361–364
supported formats, 356
Tasks Pane, 357
Timeline, 370
Timeline slider, 362
titles, 373
Titles Pane
Change the text font and color, 374
Change the title animation, 374

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