© James Jeffrey Trobaugh 2017

James Jeffrey Trobaugh, Winning Design!, 10.1007/978-1-4842-2105-1_1

1. Design Considerations

James Jeffrey Trobaugh

(1)Roswell, Georgia, USA

Where do you start when building a LEGO robot? I know the first thing everyone wants to do is get out the LEGO parts and start snapping them together. That is one of the great things about building with LEGO elements; it’s a very free-form experience. You can sit down with a pile of bricks and just start snapping parts together.

While that is the traditional way that we’ve all learned to play with LEGO parts, the process is not the same when building a LEGO robot, or at least not if you’re looking to build a winning LEGO robot. A complete design process is needed before the first ...

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