
Note: References to figures are in italics; references to tables end with an italic t.

802.11 (network standard), 192–194

description of, 283

QoS assessment of, 120

subparts of, 283–286

802.16 (network standard), 286

802.20 (network standard), 286


access points (APs). See also nodes

client pairings with, 206–207

daylight power for, 134

final adjustments to, 149–150

in high-speed picocell networks, 209–211

in K12 facility, 88

pre-deployment audit of, 147–148

roaming between, 119

technical specifications for, 141

activity, location vs., 12–13, 16, 19, 23, 74

adjacency, 160

administrators, hospital

productivity improvement for, 30

wireless for, 25–26

adult continuing education, enrollment in, 95

aerospace program, quality for, 140

agile ...

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