The role of Light.exe

Light is the tool that links your .wxl files with the .wixobj files created by Candle. During its processing, it will look for -loc and -cultures flags given to it on the command line. You can specify more than one -loc flag, each pointing to a .wxl file. The -cultures flag tells WiX which .wxl file—or files—to use. Any that have a matching Cultures attribute in their WixLocalization element will be used. Here's an example:

Light.exe -loc en-us.wxl -loc en-us2.wxl -loc de-de.wxl
 -cultures:en-us "*.wixobj" -out myInstaller.msi

Here, we've specified that we want to build our MSI using the en-us culture. Assuming that en-us.wxl and en-us2.wxl both have that culture, both will be used. The de-de.wxl file will be ignored. You ...

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