Cutting, Copying, and Pasting Using the Clipboard


  • Understanding the Windows Clipboard versus the Office Clipboard
  • Learning the various ways to move and copy document content
  • Copying and moving sections with collapsible headings
  • Taking advantage of pasting options
  • Setting the default paste option and using Paste Special
  • Managing Clipboard pane items
  • Working with the Office Clipboard and pasting options

Only very rare individuals can compose a document and get all their thoughts in the right order on the first take. Most of us work with more of a stream-of-consciousness style, jumping back and forth between topics while we try to capture our thoughts. Luckily for us, Word enables us to rearrange the content in any document as much as needed to create a more cohesive flow and enhance clarity.

You can pick words up either alone or in groups and move them around in the document. If you create a line you like, you can repeat it and tweak it.

Word's Cut, Copy, and Paste commands work in conjunction with the Office Clipboard, a multifunction center for rearranging document content. In this chapter, you'll learn the various ways you can use these tools and customize how they work for you.

Understanding the Office Clipboard

A clipboard is a temporary storage area you can use to transfer text, files, pictures, and other objects between different programs or different parts of a single program. You copy or cut text from one location, and then paste it in the destination ...

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