Managing Document Security, Comments, and Tracked Changes


  • Document protection
  • Using digital signatures and signature lines
  • Protecting a document with a password
  • Inserting comments
  • Tracking changes
  • Reviewing comments and changes
  • Comparing two documents using “legal blackline”
  • Combining documents that contain tracked changes

Word offers a variety of kinds of protection (although nothing is 100 percent secure). Some of the protection tools work hand in hand with other tools that facilitate collaboration and reviewing. For example, you can limit formatting or allow users only to enter tracked changes or comments.

This chapter looks at the types of document protection and review tools available to Word users and describes how to use them.

Protection Types

Word 2013's privacy settings aren't centrally located. To save you the trouble of searching to find what you can control, here's the definitive list of the different types of protection (and pseudo-protection) Word 2013 offers and where to find them:

  • Permission: Restrict a document so it can be opened and/or changed only by specific individuals. Select File images Info images Protect Document images Restrict Access. For this ...

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