Chapter 26
Let’s Work This Out
In This Chapter
Sticking comments in a document
Highlighting text
Drawing on your document
Finding changes in a document
Tracking changes in a document
Reviewing document changes
Writing isn’t considered a team sport, but it can be. Eventually, writers encounter collaboration, welcome or not. Often it comes in the form of an editor, but occasionally others chime in. To assist in that task, Word gives you some work-it-out-together tools. They help you share ideas, point out issues that need attention, and even see who has done exactly what to your precious text.
Comments on Your Text
How can you get comments into your text? I can think of two ways.
The silly way: You type a comment (something you don’t intend to include in the final document) in ALL CAPS. Or you color the text red or blue. You add parentheses or square brackets around the text. These ...
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