Word Annoyances

Book description

When most people think of word processing, they think of Microsoft Word. After all, it has been around for more than 20 years-practically an eternity in computer time. But Word has also provided its users-nearly everyone on the face of the planet-with an endless supply of annoyances. That is, until now. Word Annoyances offers to the point (and often opinionated) solutions to your most vexing editing, formatting, printing, faxing, and scanning problems. It covers everything from installation and templates to tables, columns, and graphics. For example, learn how to stop Word from searching the Web for help, and how to enter the same text easily in multiple parts of a document-and keep it updated automatically. It also provides a gentle introduction to the power of macros so you can slay your annoyances by the truckload. The fixes will work with most versions of Word, including Word 2000, Word 2002 (also known as Word XP), and Word 2003.Among the topics covered:

  • Deal with installation issues, crashes, and slowdowns, and dispose of the Office Assistant-either temporarily or forever.
  • Master templates, numbering, graphics, hyperlinks, tabs, tables, headers, and other everyday annoyances.
  • Tame some of Word's wiliest features, such as Smart Cut and Paste, Click and Type, Mail Merge, AutoCorrect, and AutoText.
  • Printing, Faxing, and Scanning-need we say more?
  • Learn to output and distribute your documents with confidence.
  • Need to work with other Microsoft applications or Macs? You'll find annoyances dealing with Excel, PowerPoint, and Access, as well as a whole chapter just on Mac Word.
About the AuthorGuy Hart-Davis has been using Microsoft Word for more than 15 years, during which time he has seen its capabilities increase steadily and its annoyances increase exponentially. His other books include Word 2000 Developer's Handbook (Sybex) and How to Do Everything with Your iPod and iPod mini (McGraw-Hill). In this book he shares secrets that will quell calm your colleagues, impress your friends, and confound your enemies.

Table of contents

  1. Contents (1/2)
  2. Contents (2/2)
  3. Introduction
    1. Do You Need This Book?
    2. What’s Covered in This Book?
    3. “You Haven’t Covered My Pet Annoyance”
    4. Conventions Used in This Book
    5. O’Reilly Would Like to Hear from You
    6. About the Author
    7. Acknowledgments
  4. 1: Installation, Repair, and Configuration
      1. Stop Word from Demanding the Installation CD
      2. Install Multiple Versions of Word on the Same PC
      3. Keep Shortcuts for Both Word 2000 and Word XP on the Same Computer
      4. Install Word on Both OSes in a Dual-Boot Configuration
      5. Install All Necessary Graphics Filters
      6. Make the Most of the Word Product-Activation Grace Period
      7. Install Word for Only One User
      1. Move Word to Another Computer
      2. Reinstall Word
      1. Word 2000 Closes on Startup
      2. Word Hangs on Startup
      3. Word Takes Forever to Start
      4. Word 2003 Runs Slowly
      5. Check That Your Computer Has Enough Memory
      6. Make Word Start Automatically When You Log On
      7. Prevent Word from Creating a Blank Document at Startup
        1. Create a suitable shortcut for a startup switch
        2. Prevent Word from creating a blank document
        3. Open a document based on your preferred template
        4. Open a document on the Most Recently Used list
        5. Open a specific document
      8. Control When the Task Pane Appears
      9. Word Takes Ages to Close a Document
      10. Word Asks Whether to Save Changes to Normal.dot
      11. Word Says Normal.dot “Is in Use by Another Application or User”
    4. MENUS
      1. Display Full Menus
      2. Prevent Menu Items from Changing Position
      3. Cut Menus Down to Size
      4. Create a Work Menu
      1. Sort Out the Standard Toolbar and Formatting Toolbar
      2. Put a Close Document Button on the Standard Toolbar
      3. Consolidate Your Toolbars into a Custom Toolbar
      4. Reset Menus or Toolbars That Someone Else Has Customized
      5. Get Rid of Proprietary Toolbars
      6. Choose One or Multiple Word Buttons on the Taskbar
  5. 2: Creating and Saving Documents
      1. Get Rid of Text in the Default Document
      2. Create a Template for Each Document Type You Use Frequently
      3. Create a Document Based on an Existing Document
      4. Save a Preview for a Template
      5. Use a Template Outside Your Default Templates Folder
    2. SAVING
      1. Save Your Documents the Best Way
      2. Save All Open Documents at Once
      3. Close All Open Documents at Once
      4. Change Word’s Default Folder for Saving Documents
      5. Find a Document You’ve Lost
      6. Keep Separate Versions of the Same Document
      7. Remove Personal Data from a Document
      8. Remove Office-Specific Tags from Web Pages
      1. Use Application Recovery to Mitigate a Crash
      2. Turn Off Error Reporting
      3. Recover a Document After a Crash
      4. Control or Turn Off AutoRecover
      5. Open Files Saved in Another Format
      6. Batch-Convert Many Files Between Formats
      7. Make Local Copies of Documents on Network or Removable Drives
      8. Understand Document Locking
      9. Deal with Spurious “File in Use” Messages
      1. Avoid Master Documents if Possible
      2. Enable Multiple People to Edit a Document at the Same Time
      3. Enable Several People to Edit a Document Simultaneously
      4. Recover a Corrupted Master Document
        1. Revert to Word’s backup document of the master document
        2. Revert to a manual backup of the master document
        3. Recover a corrupted master document manually
  6. 3: Text Entry and Editing
      1. Expand and Collapse Outline View Quickly
      2. Switch Quickly Among Views
      3. Learn to Live with the Wavy Underline
      4. Turn Off Formatting Display in Outline View
      5. Change the Font Used for Outline View
      6. Print from Outline View
      7. Stop Print Layout View from Shortening Pages
      8. Edit in Print Preview
      1. Hone Word’s Automatic Selection
      2. Control Smart-Cut-and-Paste Settings
      3. Select Indented Text Accurately
      4. Turn Off “Click and Type”
      1. Enter Any Amount of Text Quickly in a Document
      2. Use AutoText, or Don’t—It’s Your Choice
      3. Transfer Your AutoText Entries Between Templates
      4. Remove Mystery Lines from Your Documents
      5. Turn Off “AutoFormat As You Type” Options
      6. Save Work and Time with AutoFormat
      7. Stop Word from Adjusting Your Capitalization
      8. Escape Unwanted Copyright Symbols
      9. Transfer Your AutoCorrect Entries to Another Computer
      10. Insert Symbols and Special Characters
      11. Insert a “Hard Space”
      1. Find and Replace Quickly
      2. Replace Styles and Formatting
      3. Replace Dumb Quotes with Smart Quotes
      4. Replace with a Subscript
      5. Perform a Two-Step Replace
      6. Find Any Character, Digit, or Letter
      7. Strip Blank Paragraphs from a Document
      8. Change “Firstname Lastname” to “Lastname, Firstname”
      9. Remove Duplicate Entries from a List
      1. Master Navigation Keyboard Shortcuts
      2. Navigate with Bookmarks
      3. Make Bookmarks Visible
      4. Place the Insertion Point Outside a Bookmark
      5. Navigate with Browse Objects
      6. Navigate with Go To
      7. Navigate with the Document Map
      8. Customize the Document Map Style
      9. Scroll Automatically Through a Document
      10. Return to Your Last Three Edits
      11. Work in Two Parts of a Document at Once
      1. Copy Text Without Formatting
      2. Hack Out Columns of Tabs or Spaces
      3. Eliminate the “Delete Block? No (Yes)” Message in the Status Bar
      4. Set Realistic Expectations for AutoSummarize
      5. Get an Instant Word Count
      6. Correct a Way-Off Page Count
      7. Remove Useless Smart Tags
      8. Stop Word from Searching the Web for Help
      9. Get Rid of the Office Assistant
    7. FIELDS
      1. Make Fields Visible
      2. Use Cross-References to Keep Text Updated in Different Parts of the Document
      3. Insert a Date That Doesn’t Change
  7. 4: Formatting and Layout
      1. Change the Default Font in Normal.dot
      2. Change the Default Layout in Normal.dot
      3. Change the Default Margins
      1. Control Formatting When You Paste
      2. Bring Spaced-out Pasted Text Down to Earth
      3. Copy Intricate Formatting Instantly
      4. Apply Sets of Formatting Instantly
      5. Change Capitalized Text to Small Caps
      6. Replace Spaced Indents with Real Indents
      7. Reveal Formatting and Codes
      8. Adjust the Conversion from WordPerfect
      9. Embed Fonts in Documents You Send to Others
      10. Make Word Display All Your Fonts
      11. Turn Off Automatic Style Updating
      12. Stop Word from Changing the Language
      1. Correct Automatic Numbering in Numbered Lists
        1. Restart each list manually
        2. Reset the list templates
        3. Use a designated style to start each list
        4. Use SEQ fields to work around list numbering
      2. Watch Out for Revision Marks Wrecking Numbered Lists
      3. Fix “Page X of Y” Numbering
      4. Tame Word’s List Indentation
      5. Make Outline Numbering Work
      6. Create Custom Outline Numbering
    4. STYLES
      1. Get Started with Styles
        1. Create a new style
        2. Modify an existing style
      2. Remove Formatting with Default Paragraph Font/Clear Formatting
      3. Bypass the Styles and Formatting Task Pane
      4. Make the Style Drop-Down List Show the Styles You Want
      5. Quickly Change One Style to Another
      6. Stop a Style Change in One Document from Affecting Other Documents
        1. Update styles manually rather than “by example”
        2. Use styles efficiently
      7. Redefine the Normal Style
      8. Control the Style When You Paste
      9. Make the Pasted Text Take the Destination’s Style
      10. Watch Out When Formatting Starts to “Slip”
      11. Avoid Layout Changes on Different Computers
      1. Control the Size of a Pasted Graphic
      2. Make Your Pictures Look Right
      3. Crop Pictures Outside Word
      4. Get Rid of the Drawing Canvas
      5. Rotate Text to the Angle You Want
      6. Wrap Text Around a Picture
      7. Make Graphics Visible in Print Layout View
      8. Display Object Anchors
      9. Position the Graphic Relative to the Page
      10. Lock the Anchor When the Graphic Is in Place
      11. Create a Watermark
      12. Position Lines Where You Need Them
      1. Stop Word from Automatically Inserting Hyperlinks
      2. See Where a Hyperlink Will Really Take You
      3. Bring Hyperlinks to Heel
    7. TABS
      1. Stop Word from Turning Tabs into Indents
      2. Use Tabs Effectively
      3. Align Numbers with Decimal Tabs
      4. Convert Tabs and Spaces to Just Tabs
      1. Create Different Headers on Different Pages
      2. Create a Header from a Heading Paragraph
      3. Divide a Page into Multiple Pages
  8. 5: Forms, Revising, Proofing, and Finalizing
    1. FORMS
      1. Prevent a User from Accessing Parts of a Document
      2. Force a User to Fill In Certain Fields
      3. Capture Only the Data from a Form
      1. Deflate Comment Balloons
      2. Shrink the Comment Window
      3. Turn On and Use Track Changes
      4. Turn Off Revision Marks for Formatting
      5. Toggle Revision Marking Quickly
      6. See Only the Revision Marks for Some Reviewers
      7. Get Rid of the Reviewing Pane Quickly
      8. Use “Compare and Merge Documents” to Highlight Untracked Changes
      9. Prevent Other People from Turning Off “Track Changes”
      1. Choose or Lose the Red and Green Squiggles
      2. Spellcheck Your Documents in Your Preferred Way
      3. Watch Out for Mistakes Missed on Porpoise…
      4. …and Missed on Purpose
      5. Prevent Word from Spellchecking Code
      6. Use Custom Dictionaries for Special Terms
      7. Remove Mistakes from a Dictionary
      8. Share a Dictionary with Other Users
      9. Create a Custom Dictionary Quickly
      10. Solve the “Custom Dictionary Is Full” Error
      11. Protect Your Custom Dictionary
      12. Unstick the Spelling Checker
      13. Create an Exclusion Dictionary
      14. Turn Off Grammar Checking
      15. Make Sense of Word’s Readability Statistics
      16. Upgrade the Thesaurus
  9. 6: Printing, Faxing, and Scanning
      1. Stop Word 2003 from Crashing When You Print
      2. Stop Word XP from Crashing When You Print
      3. Troubleshoot Word’s Refusal to Print
      4. Identify Fields That Change When You Open and Print a Document
      5. Make the Print Button on the Standard Toolbar Display the Print Dialog Box
      6. Print a Range of Pages
      7. Print in Reverse Order
      8. Print Double-Sided Pages Without a Duplex Printer
      9. Print in Draft Quality
      10. Turn Off Background Printing
      11. Print Colored Text as Black on a Monochrome Printer
      12. Adjust Your Margins for Printing
      13. Stop the Printer from Cutting Off the Bottom of the Page
      14. Handle “Bizarre Swelling of the Right Margin Syndrome”
      15. Create a Black Background with White Text
      16. Print to a File
    2. FAXING
      1. Find Where Word Hides the Fax Command
      2. Get a Fax into a Word Document
      1. Scan and OCR a Document
      2. Use a Scanned Picture in a Word Document
  10. 7: Tables, Columns, andText Boxes
    1. TABLES
      1. Choose Whether to Draw Tables or Just Insert Them
      2. Prevent Word from Resizing a Table
      3. Place a Table at the Top of a Page
      4. Get a Table Away from the Start of a Document
      5. Position a Table Correctly on a Page…
      6. …and Position the Table’s Contents Correctly
      7. Make a Table the Full Width of the Text
      8. Restore the Cell Height and Width Dialog Box
      9. Repeat a Header Row
      10. Delete a Table, Not Just Its Contents
      11. Work Smart with Table Columns
      12. Use Different Cell Widths in Different Rows
      13. Rearrange Table Columns
      14. Convert Text to Tables
      15. Print Table Gridlines
      16. Get Rid of Table Gridlines
      17. Make All Your Table Borders Print
      18. Wrap Text Around a Table
      19. Create Formulas in Tables
      20. Speed Up Word’s Handling of Tables
      21. Avoid Vertically Merged Cells in Word 2000
    2. COLUMNS
      1. Create Newspaper-Style Columns
      2. Mix Different Numbers of Columns in a Document
      3. Prevent Columns from Vanishing When You Save as a Web Page
      1. Use Text Boxes for Complex Layouts
      2. Create a Series of Linked Text Boxes
  11. 8: Automate Away Annoyances with Macros
    1. MACROS
      1. Record a Macro to Repeat a Task
      2. Remove Unnecessary Commands from a Recorded Macro
      3. Control a Macro with a Message Box
      4. Return to the Last Editing Position When Opening a Document
      5. Make Print Preview Open in Editing Mode
      6. Make Outline View Open Expanded to a Specified Level
      7. Switch the Active Document to Read-Only Status
      8. Close All Documents Except the Current One
      9. Create a “Paste as Unformatted Text” Macro
      10. See Which Keyboard Shortcuts Are Assigned
      11. Remove Typed Numbering from Lists and Headings
      12. Apply Proper Capitalization
      13. Double-Save a Document
      14. Print a Document in Monochrome
      15. Display the Print Dialog Box with the “Current Page” or “Pages” Option Selected
      16. Perform Find and Replace Operations with Complex Formatting
      17. Print Samples of Each Font Installed on Your PC
      1. Move a Macro from One Template to Another
      2. Find Out Why Word Won’t Run a Macro
      3. Create an Add-in
  12. 9: OLE, Mail Merge, and Office Applications
      1. Choose Between Linking and Embedding Objects
      2. Update, Edit, and Break Links
      1. Perform a Basic Mail Merge
        1. The main document and the data source
        2. Creating or designating the data source
        3. Creating the main document
      2. Create a Smart Mail Merge with Sorting, Filtering, and If Fields
        1. Use filtering and sorting
        2. Use If fields
      3. Insert Data Source Fields into a Merge Document
      4. Edit a Data Source Document
      5. Filter Using a Numerical Field
      6. Restore a Mail Merge Document to a Normal Word Document
      1. Keep an Excel Chart Updated in a Word Document
      2. Transfer Data from Word to Excel
      1. Create a Document from a Presentation
      2. Create a Presentation from a Document
      3. Put a Word Table on a PowerPoint Slide
      1. Convert a Word Table to an Access Database
      2. Move Data from an Access Table to a Word Document
  13. 10: Mac Word Annoyances
      1. Speed Up Startup
      2. Replace Your CarbonLib File
      3. Look to Your Font Files When Word X Quits on Startup
      4. Repair Your Disk Permissions
      5. Repair Your Preferences or Settings Files
      6. Speed Up Word’s Performance When Scrolling
      7. Reinstall Updaters When Necessary
      8. Recover from a Corrupted Normal Template
      9. Beware When Page Numbering Goes Haywire
      1. Wrest Back Control from Word 2004 Test Drive
      2. Field the “Permission Currently Restricted” Error
      3. Avoid the “Unable to Save” Message When Saving to a Server
      4. Work Around the Erroneous “Disk Full” Error
      5. Help Word Rediscover How to Write to Folders
      1. Insert Text at the End of a Document
      2. Turn Off Auto-Capping in Tables
      3. Recover Missing Graphics
      4. Avoid Mixing Orientations if You Want to Print Markup Balloons
      5. Save Your Document When You Paste in an OLE Object
      6. Save Graphics in PNG Format, Not PICT
      7. Restore Page Setup to Your Preferred Settings
    4. WORD X
      1. Avoid Versioning When Switching Between Word 2004 and Word X
      2. Do Away with the “Unknown Author”
      3. Move Your Word X Normal Template to Safety
  14. Index (1/2)
  15. Index (2/2)
  16. Colophon

Product information

  • Title: Word Annoyances
  • Author(s): Guy Hart-Davis
  • Release date: June 2005
  • Publisher(s): O'Reilly Media, Inc.
  • ISBN: 9780596154424