Chapter 21
Lots of Lists
Automatically bulleting or numbering text
Building a multilevel list
Numbering lines on a page
Adding a TOC to a document
Creating an index
Using footnotes and endnotes
Lists can be simple, such as a list of the various diets you’ve tried over the years. A list can be complex, such as a table of contents or an index or another, more professional, listy thing. In Word, you can type such lists manually, but it’s better to use the proper tools. This way, a list of anything can be formatted automatically and updated as necessary.
Lists with Bullets and Numbers
Whenever you have more than two items to describe in your text, consider using one of Word’s automatic list-formatting commands. These tools format the list in a way that draws attention, calling the items out from the rest of the text.
- Word’s list commands are found on the Home tab, ...
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