Adding Documents

It's often easier to make information available to visitors in the form of documents rather than trying to re-create the information on a web page. Plus, they have something to “take away” with all your contact information on it as well. So being able to upload and link to documents easily is important, and WordPress has that covered.

image In this lesson, I'm talking about the Add Media button of the Upload/Insert menu. Though it can be used to upload any allowed media type other than images, video, and audio, it is most commonly used for documents.


Unlike the cases of video and audio, the Upload/Insert function is well suited to documents because having a simple link is exactly what you want. When someone clicks the link, it causes the file to be downloaded, or in the case of PDFs, it will automatically appear in most people's browsers.

I've created a Press Releases category in WordPress and I've created a post for a press release, so now I'm going to add the PDF of the press release. I begin by placing my cursor where I want the link to appear in my text. Then I click the document icon of the Upload/Insert menu (the last of the four) and get the usual popup window tabs: From Computer, From URL, Gallery, and Media Library.

In this case, I'm adding the PDF from my computer, so I go through the steps of selecting the file and clicking ...

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