Chapter 3: Understanding Analytics
In This Chapter
Understanding how analytics can tell you about your blog
Choosing an analytics-tracking option
Deciphering analytics terminology
Working with Google Analytics
Every business on the face of the Earth needs to figure out what works and what doesn’t if it wants to succeed. Bloggers often know basic statistics about their blogs, such as the current number on their hit counters or how many people subscribe to their blogs. These stats may give you the big picture, but they don’t really address why something is or isn’t working.
You need to get at least a basic understanding of analytics if you want to make the most of your blog. The data provided by free programs such as Google Analytics can really help you grow as a blogger. In this chapter, you discover how to incorporate various data-measuring tools into your WordPress installation, deciphering what the data is telling you, and determining how to act on it.
Google Analytics provides you with a tremendous amount of information on your content. The goal of this chapter is to help you ...