Chapter 9

Media Management: Images, Audio, and Video

In This Chapter

arrow Adding images, photo galleries, and videos to your blog posts

arrow Uploading audio files

arrow Exploring the WordPress Media Library

Adding images and photos to your posts can really dress up the content. By using images and photos, you give your content a dimension that you can’t express in plain text. Through visual imagery, you can call attention to your post and add depth to it.

The same goes for adding video and audio files to your posts and blog. Video lets you provide entertainment through moving, talking (or singing!), streaming video. Audio files let you talk to your visitors and add a personal touch. Many bloggers use video and audio to report news and to broadcast Internet radio and television shows. The possibilities are endless!

In this chapter, you discover how to enhance your blog posts by adding images, video, and audio. And you even find out how to run a full-fledged photo gallery on your site, all through the software and its integrated Media Library.

remember.eps This chapter is pertinent to the ...

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