
By Guillermo Rauch (http://devthought.com/)

  • Why it's awesome: Great for automatically pulling content from your other blogs or online applications
  • Why it was picked: Flexibility and data import consistency
  • Manual Install URL:http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/wp-o-matic/
  • Automatic Install search term: WP-O-Matic
  • Geek level: WordPress Ninja
  • Configuration location: Settings | WP-O-Matic
  • Used in: Posts

WP-O-Matic is used to automatically create posts from an RSS or ATOM feed. This plugin is by far one of the more complicated plugins available, but insanely powerful. Imagine being able to take content from any website virtually, and automatically add it to your blog every time it is updated. With this plugin, you could hypothetically build a ...

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