With a background in psychology and behavioural science, we like to think something we know well is people — what makes them tick, how to connect with them, how to challenge them, and how to bring to life the change they hope for in their workplaces and the change they long for. These things stand true regardless of where people are physically located.

At Pragmatic Thinking we have the great privilege of working with a rare group of people. It's our hope, by virtue of the fact that you are reading this conclusion, that you are also one of these people: a difference‐maker. Someone who believes that things can be different, someone who is willing to do the hard work in order to drive and create real and lasting change. And someone who risks putting themselves and their ideas out there for the pursuit of a better tomorrow.

You bloody beautiful maverick. We tip our hat to you.

You and the other difference‐makers out there are the people who recognise the value in investing in … well … their people. This is an investment that others may not always agree with, but it is an investment required in order to achieve something exceptional. It is an investment of time, of presence, of intention and of resources.

But like any investment of any kind, what's the return? Will the reward outweigh the risk?

You bet it's worth it.

We (Daz and Ali) have been business partners since 2007, and life partners even longer. And every day has been more perfect than the next, amazing, never ...

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