Chapter 6

Entering the Wonderful World of Slack Messages


check Working with direct messages

check Sharing files with others

check Maintaining contact outside of Slack

Slack is a remarkably flexible and powerful tool on many levels. For example, Chapter 5 covers how you can use public and private channels to solicit information from — and provide targeted information to — others in your workspace. To be sure, that’s useful. Still, you may be wondering if the channel is the only way to interact with your colleagues and partners in Slack.

The answer is a resounding no.

Slack’s management understands that channels frequently don’t represent the only (let alone the best) way for people to communicate with each other. To this end, and as this chapter demonstrates, Slack lets you send discrete, direct messages to individuals and groups. Even better, threads let you lump messages together into a single unit.

Understanding Slack Messages

Within a given workspace, you can send anyone a direct message (DM) about anything and respond. (Whether the recipient responds is another matter.) You can also post messages in channels. Slack lets users attach files to their messages, as well as share ...

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