
. (dot)

IntelliSense, 26

joins, 55

= (equals sign), Restrictions, 121

> (greater than sign), Restrictions, 121

< (less than sign), Restrictions, 121


AbstractQueryImpl, 54

Add(), 70, 95, 107

Add Reference, 10

AddOrder, 32

ADODB.Connection, 1

ADODB.Recordset, 1


adonet.batch_size, 199

aggregate database functions

GetNamedQuery(), 7680

ICriteria, 126131

LINQ, 164168

AggregateResults, 164165

ALL, 39, 40

AND, 121

And, 121

app.config, 40, 42

batch processes, 199200

log4net, 3738

appender-ref, 39

AppendToFile, 38

Application_BeginRequest(), 207

Application_EndRequest(), 207

Application_Start(), 206

appSetting, 42

app/web.config, 2426

ASP.NET MVC3, 203212

Controller, 208212

installation, 204

session-per-web-request, 207

View, 208212

Assembly, 43

assembly, 15

Assigned, 184

AuditDeleteEvent(), 52

AutoGenerateColumns, 55

AVG, 76, 78, 127, 167


<bag>, 17

BaseUserType, 175176

batch processes

ConfigureNHibernate(), 200

data insertion, 198202

IStatelessSession, 199

QueryImpl, 201


BeginTransaction(), 172


Between, 136

binaries, 205

BinaryFormatter, 4344, 45

/bin/Debug, 40

/bin/release, 40

Build Action, 17

BuildDataTable(), 57, 98, 99, 106

CreateMultiCriteria(), 105

IList, 58

BuildSessionFactory(), 23

Button, 64, 73, 181

DetachedQuery, 81

LINQ, 167

MainWindow.xaml, 49, 51, 89

buttonCount_Click(), 130

buttonMaximum_Click(), 79

buttonMinimum_Click(), 167

buttonNext_Click(), 6465

buttonPrevious_Click(), 6465

buttonSearch_Click() ...

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