Organization of Workshop Statistics
Workshop Statistics: Discovery with Data, Fourth Edition, is organized into seven units, each consisting of several topics. Each topic addresses one important idea and comprises these elements:
Overview sections present a motivating example and introduce the topic objectives within the context of material learned in previous topics.
Preliminaries ask a series of questions designed to get students thinking about the contexts of studies and statistical issues explored in the topic.
In-Class Activities guide students through a series of directed questions to explore the material for the topic within the context of authentic studies and using real data. Each topic contains four to six in-class activities. To facilitate student discovery and learning, in-class activities include these features:
- Writing format provides enough space for students to record predictions, interpretations, and explanations in the textbook itself. This form of written self-discovery gives students opportunities to construct their own knowledge and communicate their statistical thinking.
- Important Terms and Results are highlighted in shaded boxes. Important terms are defined early and revisited often.
- Expository Paragraphs summarize major statistical concepts learned in the ...
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