
This chapter describes the mechanisms used to make color available to X servers that support color. It covers both the RGB and the Xcms methods of color management.

In This Chapter:

Color Specification in Release 4 and Earlier

RGB Color Names

Numeric Color Values

Adding Your Own Color Names (RGB)

Fixing a Corrupted Color Database

Color Specification in Release 5 (Xcms)

Xcms Color Names

Adding Your Own Color Names in Xcms

Xcms Database Example

Device Profiles

Related Documentation



Color can make a world of difference for a user. Not all X users have servers that support color, but those that do need to be able to assign colors to their applications easily. The X Window System provides a way for colors to be addressed using both familiar names (such as red, blue, yellow) and obscure names (such as papayawhip, pale goldenrod, and dodgerblue). These names are then converted to a numeric representation that the server understands.

Most color monitors are equipped with red, green, and blue electron guns, called “color guns,” as shown in Figure 6-1. These color guns can be run at different intensities, producing different colors on the display screen. For example, the color “red” could be displayed by turning the green and blue guns off entirely and turning the red gun on at full capacity. The red, green, and blue gun intensity values are called an RGB triplet.


Figure ...

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