This is the Title of the Book, eMatter Edition
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header content controls, 28
header item controls, 28
HeaderContentControl element, 122
HeaderedItemsControl element, 122
Height attribute
animating for Rectangle using
DoubleAnimation, 85
Button elements, defined by a
style, 67
modifying with triggers, 73
precedence over alignment
attributes, 52
hierarchy, XAML elements, 4
controls, 117
HorizontalAlignment attribute, 50
Height and Width attributes
versus, 52
StackPanel, 49
Stretch value, 50
HostInBrowser attribute, 13
HTML, XAML versus, 6
Hyperlink element, 117, 129
IE (Internet Explorer), express
application file, 13
if...then logic, implemented with
triggers, 70
Image element, 96
assigning as ToolTip for a
control, 153
ImageBrush element, 97–99
painting a Rectangle, 97
ImageDrawing element, 166
Import element, 12
indexing, Row and Column placement
in Grid, 56
inheritance, XAML elements, 4
Inline element, 99
inline elements, 30
inlining code in XAML files, 24
Install attribute, 13
installed applications, 11
Int16KeyFrame class, 208
Int32KeyFrame element, 209
Int64KeyFrame element, 210
interface (XAML), programmed in
C#, 269–271
InternalChildren property, 33
Internet Explorer (see IE)
interpolation technique, KeyFrame
elements, 88
IsCheckedChanged event, 247
IsEnabledChanged event, 247
event, 248
IsMouseOver attribute (Control), 72
IsVisibleChanged event, 248
Italic element, 100
item controls, 28
ItemGroup element, 12
ItemsControl element, 122
key name for elements defined as
resources, 64
KeyDown event, 249
KeyEventArgs class, 241
KeyFrame animations, 86–88
animating a Rectangle, 87
creating, steps in, 86
linear, discrete, and spline, 88
KeyFrame elements, 200
BooleanKeyFrame, 203
CharKeyFrame, 203
ColorKeyFrame, 204
DecimalKeyFrame, 205
DoubleKeyFrame, 207
Int16KeyFrame, 208
Int32KeyFrame, 209
Int64KeyFrame, 210
MatrixKeyFrame, 213
Point3DKeyFrame, 214
PointKeyFrame, 216
Rect3DKeyFrame, 217
RectKeyFrame, 218
Rotation3DKeyFrame, 221
Size3DKeyFrame, 226
SizeKeyFrame, 228
StringKeyFrame, 229
ThicknessKeyFrame, 229
Vector3DKeyFrame, 234
VectorKeyFrame, 233
KeySpline element, 211
KeyTime attribute, 86
possible values, 87
KeyTime value, KeyTime attribute, 87
KeyUp event, 249

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