

2D graphics

2D-to-3D coordinate system conversion

Visual3D.TransformToAncestor method, 191-195

Visual3D.TransformToDescendant method, 191-195

Visual.TransformToAncestor method, 187-191

color brushes, 115-124

LinearGradientBrush, 116-123

RadialGradientBrush, 123-124

SolidColorBrush, 116

drawing, 131-132

Geometries, 107-115

GeometryGroup, 111-113

PathFigure, 108-111

PathSegment, 108-111

Shapes, 99-106

Ellipse, 101

filling, 110

Line, 101-102

Path, 104

Polygon, 103-104

Polyline, 102-103

Rectangle, 100-101

Stroke property, 104-106

tile brushes

DrawingBrush, 128-129

ImageBrush, 124-128

VisualBrush, 129

2D transforms, 55-63

CompositeTransform, 61-62

MatrixTransform, 62-63

RotateTransform, 57-58

ScaleTransform, 58-60

SkewTransform, 60 ...

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