Chapter 1: Introducing Xcode 4

In This Chapter

Understanding the history of Mac development tools Developing Xcode Moving to Xcode 4 Comparing iOS and OS X development

Xcode is Apple's free suite of developer tools; it is used to create applications for iOS mobile devices and for Mac OS X. Xcode 4, shown in Figure 1.1, is the most recent version and is a radical update with many new features.

Developer tools are complex, and Xcode has always tried to hide much of that complexity from novice developers. You can use Xcode in a very simple click-to-build way, but this simplicity can be misleading. Many developers never explore Xcode's more advanced features and never discover how they can use them to save time, solve problems, or extend their projects with original and creative features.

Xcode also includes an unexpectedly enormous selection of helper applications and developer tools. A complete guide to every element in Xcode would require a shelf of books. This book concentrates on beginner- and intermediate-level features, but also includes hints and pointers for advanced developers.

Figure 1.1

Xcode 4's simplified interface hides familiar old features and some unexpected new ones.


Understanding the History of Mac Development Tools

Before OS X, Apple's IDE (Integrated Development Environment) was MPW (Macintosh Programmer's Workshop). As shown in Figure 1.2, MPW, which is still ...

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