
{01} document (no enclosing structures – describes logical document structure):

----- Prolog ... {22}
       | {01.2}
      element ... {39}
       | {01.3}
      Misc * ... {27}

<?XML version="1.0"?>
					<!-- start document type -->
					<!DOCTYPE mybook SYSTEM "mybook.dtd">
					<!-- start actual document -->
					<mybook> ... </mybook>
					<!-- end document -->
					<?END my end of file processing instruction ?>

{02} Char (Character) {15.1} {16.3} {20.1} {65.1} {S37.1} (also a general description of the characters allowed in a document):

----- #x0009 (tab)
  --- #x000a (line-feed)
  --- #x000d (carriage return)
  --- #x0020 > #xD7FF
  --- #xE000 > #xFFFD
  --- #x10000 > #x10FFFF

{03} S (Space) {16.2} {23.4} {24.1} {25.1 .2} {27.3} {28.1 .3 .5 .8 .9} {31.4} {32.1} {40.2 .4} {42.2} ...

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