6.6. Web Access to the Database
XSQL is a Java servlet for visualizing SQL query results. XSQL combines the power of SQL, XML, and XSLT to publish dynamic Web content based on database information. The servlet is similar to JSP (Java Server Pages) and follows the same mechanisms. Moreover, XSQL is interoperable with JSP. XSQL can be integrated in many popular Web servers like Apache 1.3.9 and higher, Oracle9iAS, or WebLogic 5.1. Thanks to Java, the servlet is easily extensible to one's needs.
6.6.1. The Principle of XSQL
The overall principle of XSQL is similar to JSP: A GET request with a URL of the form http://mycompany.com/myQuery.xsql references a file myQuery.xsql with a specific extension .xsql, denoting an XSQL servlet. The .xsql file ...
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