
xs:normalizedString — Whitespace-replaced strings.

Derived from:




Known subtypes:



xs:enumeration, xs:length, xs:maxLength, xs:minLength, xs:pattern, xs:whiteSpace

<xs:simpleType name="normalizedString" id="normalizedString">
  <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
    <xs:whiteSpace value="replace"/>


The lexical space of xs:normalizedString is unconstrained (any valid XML character may be used), and its value space is the set of strings after whitespace replacement (i.e., after any occurrence of #x9 (tab), #xA (linefeed), and #xD (carriage return) have been replaced by an occurrence of #x20 (space) without any whitespace collapsing).


This is the only datatype that performs whitespace replacement without collapsing. When whitespaces are not significant, xs:token is preferred.

This datatype corresponds to neither the XPath function normalize-space( ) (which performs whitespace trimming and collapsing) nor to the DOM “normalize” method (which is a merge of adjacent text objects).


The value of the element:

<title lang="en">
  Being a Dog Is 
  a Full-Time Job

is the string: " Being a Dog Is a Full-Time Job ", where all the whitespaces have been replaced by spaces if the title element is a type xs:normalizedString.

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