Appendix B. Topic Map for Chapter 9

This appendix contains the topic map discussed in Chapter 9.

 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?> <!—DOCTYPE topicMap SYSTEM "xtm1.dtd"—> <topicMap id="map" xmlns:xlink=""> <topic id="default"> <subjectIdentity> <subjectIndicatorRef xlink:href="#map"/> </subjectIdentity> <baseName> <baseNameString> Long Island Seashore Creatures </baseNameString> </baseName> <occurrence> <instanceOf> <topicRef xlink:href="#description"/> </instanceOf> <resourceData>Long Island Seashore is rich with various forms of life. As a beginning scuba diver, I shot some pictures during my dives, learned some new information while talking with experienced scuba divers, and then went to a local library ...

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