Inside the VoxML Vocabulary
You'll learn later in the chapter how to use VoxML to create powerful interactive speech applications with relatively little work in the section titled "Creating a Voice Application with VoxML." In fact, the real power of VoxML is its simplicity, which is clearly evident in the VoxML vocabulary. Listing 40.1 contains the complete VoxML DTD.
Listing 40.1. The VoxML Document-Type Definition (DTD)
<?xml version="1.0"?> <!DOCTYPE dialog [ <!ELEMENT dialog (step|class)*> <!ATTLIST dialog bargein (Y|N) "Y"> <!ELEMENT step (prompt|input|help|error|cancel|ack)*> <!ATTLIST step name ID #REQUIRED parent IDREF #IMPLIED cost CDATA #IMPLIED bargein (Y|N) "Y"> <!ELEMENT class (prompt|help|error|cancel|ack)*> <!ATTLIST class name ... |
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