Time for action – rotating pieces

  1. Open your existing Flood Control project in Visual C# Express if it is not already active.
  2. Add a new class to the project called "RotatingPiece".
  3. Add "using Microsoft.Xna.Framework;" to the using area at the top of the class.
  4. Update the declaration of the class to read class RotatingPiece : GamePiece.
  5. Add the following declarations to the RotatingPiece class:
    public bool clockwise;
    public static float rotationRate = (MathHelper.PiOver2 / 10);
    private float rotationAmount = 0;
    public int rotationTicksRemaining = 10;
  6. Add a property to retrieve the current rotation amount:
    public float RotationAmount
            if (clockwise)
                return rotationAmount;
                return (MathHelper.Pi*2) - rotationAmount;            
  7. Add a constructor for the ...

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