Time for action – implementing game states

  1. Add declarations to the Game1 class for our GameState enum:
    enum GameState { TitleScreen, Playing, PlayerDead, GameOver };
    GameState gameState = GameState.TitleScreen;
  2. Still in the declarations section of the Game1 class, add vectors for the display position of our text items, a texture to hold the title screen image, and the delay before respawn when the player dies:
    Vector2 gameOverPosition = new Vector2(350, 300);
    Vector2 livesPosition = new Vector2(600, 580);
    Texture2D titleScreen;
    float deathTimer = 0.0f;
    float deathDelay = 5.0f;
  3. We currently have temporary code in the LoadContent() method that loads straight into the first level of the game. Replace the current LoadContent() method with the following: ...

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