Book description
The W3C XQuery 3.1 standard provides a tool to search, extract, and manipulate content, whether it's in XML, JSON or plain text. With this fully updated, in-depth tutorial, you’ll learn to program with this highly practical query language. Designed for query writers who have some knowledge of XML basics, but not necessarily advanced knowledge of XML-related technologies, this book is ideal as both a tutorial and a reference. You’ll find background information for namespaces, schemas, built-in types, and regular expressions that are relevant to writing XML queries.
Publisher resources
Table of contents
- Preface
- 1. Introduction to XQuery
- 2. XQuery Foundations
- 3. Expressions: XQuery Building Blocks
- 4. Navigating XML by Using Paths
- 5. Adding Elements and Attributes to Results
- 6. Selecting and Joining Using FLWORs
- 7. Sorting and Grouping
- 8. Functions
- 9. Advanced Queries
- 10. Namespaces and XQuery
- 11. A Closer Look at Types
- 12. Prologs, Modules, and Variables
- 13. Inputs and Outputs
- 14. Using Schemas with XQuery
- 15. Static Typing
- 16. Writing Better Queries
- 17. Working with Numbers
- 18. Working with Strings
- 19. Regular Expressions
- 20. Working with Dates, Times, and Durations
- 21. Working with Qualified Names, URIs, and IDs
- 22. Working with Other XML Constructs
- 23. Function Items and Higher-Order Functions
- 24. Maps, Arrays, and JSON
- 25. Implementation-Specific Features
- 26. XQuery for SQL Users
- 27. XQuery for XSLT Users
- 28. Additional XQuery-Related Standards
- A. Built-in Function Reference
B. Built-in Types
- xs:anyAtomicType
- xs:anySimpleType
- xs:anyType
- xs:anyURI
- xs:base64Binary
- xs:boolean
- xs:byte
- xs:date
- xs:dateTime
- xs:dateTimeStamp
- xs:dayTimeDuration
- xs:decimal
- xs:double
- xs:duration
- xs:error
- xs:float
- xs:gDay
- xs:gMonth
- xs:gMonthDay
- xs:gYear
- xs:gYearMonth
- xs:hexBinary
- xs:ID
- xs:IDREF
- xs:int
- xs:integer
- xs:language
- xs:long
- xs:Name
- xs:NCName
- xs:negativeInteger
- xs:nonNegativeInteger
- xs:nonPositiveInteger
- xs:normalizedString
- xs:numeric
- xs:positiveInteger
- xs:QName
- xs:short
- xs:string
- xs:time
- xs:token
- xs:unsignedByte
- xs:unsignedInt
- xs:unsignedLong
- xs:unsignedShort
- xs:untyped
- xs:untypedAtomic
- xs:yearMonthDuration
C. Error Summary
- FOAP0001
- FOAR0001
- FOAR0002
- FOAY0001
- FOAY0002
- FOCA0001
- FOCA0002
- FOCA0003
- FOCA0005
- FOCA0006
- FOCH0001
- FOCH0002
- FOCH0003
- FOCH0004
- FODC0001
- FODC0002
- FODC0003
- FODC0004
- FODC0005
- FODC0006
- FODC0010
- FODF1280
- FODF1310
- FODT0001
- FODT0002
- FODT0003
- FOER0000
- FOFD1340
- FOFD1350
- FOJS0001
- FOJS0003
- FOJS0004
- FOJS0005
- FOJS0006
- FOJS0007
- FONS0004
- FONS0005
- FOQM0001
- FOQM0002
- FOQM0003
- FOQM0005
- FOQM0006
- FORG0001
- FORG0002
- FORG0003
- FORG0004
- FORG0005
- FORG0006
- FORG0008
- FORG0009
- FORG0010
- FORX0001
- FORX0002
- FORX0003
- FORX0004
- FOTY0012
- FOTY0013
- FOTY0014
- FOTY0015
- FOUT1170
- FOUT1190
- FOUT1200
- FOXT0001
- FOXT0002
- FOXT0003
- FOXT0004
- FOXT0006
- SENR0001
- SEPM0004
- SEPM0009
- SEPM0010
- SEPM0016
- SEPM0017
- SEPM0018
- SEPM0019
- SERE0003
- SERE0005
- SERE0006
- SERE0008
- SERE0012
- SERE0014
- SERE0015
- SERE0020
- SERE0021
- SERE0022
- SERE0023
- SESU0007
- SESU0011
- SESU0013
- XPDY0002
- XPDY0050
- XPDY0130
- XPST0001
- XPST0003
- XPST0005
- XPST0008
- XPST0017
- XPST0051
- XPST0080
- XPST0081
- XPTY0004
- XPTY0018
- XPTY0019
- XPTY0020
- XPTY0117
- XQDY0025
- XQDY0026
- XQDY0027
- XQDY0041
- XQDY0044
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- XQDY0137
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- XQST0134
- XQTY0024
- XQTY0030
- XQTY0086
- XQTY0105
- Index
Product information
- Title: XQuery, 2nd Edition
- Author(s):
- Release date: December 2015
- Publisher(s): O'Reilly Media, Inc.
- ISBN: 9781491915103
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