Chapter 5. Blocks
Blocks represent smaller parts of a document, familiar as features such as paragraphs, lists, and tables. Using these pieces, you can structure your documents and present them within the page contexts you’ve established.
Block Basics
Think of the last document you styled. Each major space-separated
block of contiguous text, graphic, table, or list is most likely to be a
block when styled with XSL-FO. fo:block
could be called the basic building
block of page content. Simply inserting content into an fo:block
element produces a simple paragraph
style with all the default properties. Blocks are most commonly used
within the page layout you have specified, specifically within the
To appreciate the flexibility of blocks, it’s necessary first to select the right type of block, then to select from its list of available properties.
The top-level blocks include:
These are the major divisions, each producing an area within the
, visually
separated by a new line. I’ll cover each of these in turn.
The Basic Block
The content model for a block
consists of other blocks, inlines, or textual content. The simple
block, acting as a paragraph, is likely to be your most used element in the
namespace, for normal text-heavy
documents. Note that the same fo:block
may be used for any content that
requires whitespace separation in the block-progression-direction
. This ranges from the title of a document ...
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