Creating Reusable SVG Generation Utilities for Graphs and Charts


You want to create a library of SVG generators that can be mixed and matched in applications involving graphical presentation of data.


If you plan to do a significant amount of SVG generation using XSLT, it is useful to develop a library of templates that generate graphical components that can be mixed and matched. This section shows several components that can graph data.

Axis generation

This example creates a general set of templates for generating graduated x- and y-axes:

<!-- Draw a graduated X-Axis --> <xsl:template name="svgu:xAxis"> <xsl:param name="min" select="0"/> <!-- Min x coordinate --> <xsl:param name="max" select="100"/> <!-- Max x coordinate --> <xsl:param name="offsetX" select="0"/> <!-- X offset of axis placement --> <xsl:param name="offsetY" select="0"/> <!-- Y offset of axis placement --> <xsl:param name="width" select="500"/> <!-- Width of the physical plotting area --> <xsl:param name="height" select="500"/> <!-- Height of the physical plotting area --> <xsl:param name="majorTicks" select="10"/> <!-- Number of major axis divisions --> <xsl:param name="majorBottomExtent" select="4"/> <!-- Length of the major tick mark from axis downward --> <xsl:param name="majorTopExtent" select="$majorBottomExtent"/> <!-- Length of the major tick mark from axis upward --> <xsl:param name="labelMajor" select="true( )"/> <!-- Label the major tick marks if true --> <xsl:param name="minorTicks" ...

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