
<xsl:output> — Defines the characteristics of the output document.


Top-level element

Required Attributes


Optional Attributes


Typically has one of three values: xml, html, or text. This value indicates the type of document that is generated. An XSLT processor can add other values to this list; how those values affect the generated document is determined by the XSLT processor.


Defines the value of the version attribute of the XML or HTML declaration in the output document. This attribute is used only when method="html" or method="xml".


Defines the value of the encoding attribute of the XML declaration in the output document.


Defines whether the XML declaration is omitted in the output document. Allowable values are yes and no. This attribute is used only when method="xml".


Defines the value of the standalone attribute of the XML declaration in the output document. Valid values are yes and no. This attribute is used only when method="xml".


Defines the value of the PUBLIC attribute of the DOCTYPE declaration in the output document. This attribute defines the public identifier of the output document’s DTD. It is used only when method="html" or method="xml".


Defines the value of the SYSTEM attribute of the DOCTYPE declaration in the output document. It defines the system identifier of the output document’s DTD. This attribute is used only when method="html" or method="xml".


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