CHAPTER 8AI Jargon and Development

From the beginning, we've learned that whether you're a leader or practitioner, you must find the rogue in you and be bold, make decisions, and present a case in a thoughtful, methodical, and logical way to evangelize and begin deploying AI in your organization. You've learned how to develop a strategy, ideate and select use cases, and prepare, solution, and deploy AI in a safe way that involves a “human in the loop.”

In this chapter, however, we're going to get you grounded on the fundamentals of AI. It's more academic in nature, in that it's intended to teach you jargon, terms, and definitions. Along with what AI really is and is not, and a lesson in history, how we ended up here and the decades of research that went into.

What Is AI?

The world changed in November 2022 when OpenAI released ChatGPT. ChatGPT was the first commercial AI product available to the masses, including college students, business executives, and individuals alike. It was accessible to us mere mortals and for free when all prior AI products were for businesses only (i.e. B2B).

When AI is done right, 1 + 1 does not equal 2; 1 + 1 equals 3 because of its tremendous amplification effect. Poet Ralph Higson once said, “Some things have to be seen to be believed,” and this is 100% true when it comes to AI.

Like many things, when you're describing a song, a picture, or a beautiful landscape, to grasp the beauty and essence of what's being explained, you must be there witnessing ...

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