22 Letting Go

Heart Fullness

Please don’t leave me. All I need is you. I do not know who to be without you. I do not know who I am without the life I have created. No, don’t go. Oh my God, you are gone! What now? How could I have not known? Was this happening all along and no one told me? I feel so betrayed.

I am afraid to love again. I don’t want to be hurt. I don’t trust my judgment. How was I so blind? I feel so stupid. What if I am used again? How do I trust after being betrayed? What if I attract the very same thing in again? I might die. My heart feels frozen. I don’t even think it’s open.

God, melt this heart. I deserve love, don’t I? Am I so bad? So unworthy? So undeserving? I had so many dreams. I wanted the fairy tale. I wanted love ...

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