Chapter 5. Month 3: Create Viral Video Content
Yogi Berra said, "You can observe a lot just by watching." If you want to learn how to make a viral video, then what he said actually makes sense.
In this chapter, you'll watch the best viral videos of 2007 and 2008 to learn how to make original content worth watching and compelling content worth sharing. After you've learned how to create a viral video, you can tell your close friends, "I can't wait to see what you're like online."
Chapter Contents:
See the Power of "The Last Lecture"
Week 1: Watch the Best Viral Videos of 2007
Week 2: Make Original Content Worth Watching
Week 3: Observe the Top Viral Videos of 2008
Week 4: Create Compelling Content Worth Sharing
See the Power of "The Last Lecture"
YouTube's ...
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