Chapter 5

Developing Your Ad Strategy


Bullet Creating your marketing messages

Bullet Matching your messages to consumer moments

As you build the shape of your YouTube advertising campaign, you need to think about the messages you want your audience to be exposed to and engage with. In this chapter, you find out about a framework that can help you develop your messages called micro-moments.

Developing Your Marketing Messages

A key component when a marketer is developing an advertising campaign is the creation of the messages that will be communicated through advertising creative. Simply put, the marketing messages are what you want to tell your target audience. You may have just one message to communicate — for example, a price promotion on a product you’re selling — or you may have a variety of messages you’d like to communicate, such as the name of your brand, your product, your retail location, and a call to action (the action you’re asking people to take.)

Tip A general rule is to keep your messages as simple as possible. Your audience likely won’t remember too many messages, and you have only so much time in a video ad, or any ad for that matter, to get across whatever you ...

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