Chapter 5. ZigBee, ZDO, and ZDP
It's all well and good to know how to transmit data to another node through an APSDE-DATA.request, and what endpoints and groups are all about, but how does a node in a ZigBee network decide which other node(s) in the network to talk to? How is the network set up and maintained?
ZigBee contains two sets of services for network commissioning and maintenance:
• The ZigBee Device Object (together with the ZigBee Device Profile)
• The ZigBee Cluster Library
This chapter describes the ZigBee Device Object (ZDO) and the ZigBee Device Profile (ZDP). The next chapter (Chapter 6) describes the ZigBee Cluster Library (ZCL).
But first, before delving into ZDO, the
real story behind the ZigBee name.
“Hey, Big Z! Come look at this!” ...
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