Chapter 6
Getting Even More Out of Meetings & Chat
Creating IM groups
Creating and using Zoom channels
Refining your Zoom notifications
Running reports in Zoom
Whoa! I didn’t know that you could do that.
Has someone ever uttered that sentence to you after you performed a task on your phone, in a software application, or with a programming language? If not, then have you ever said the same thing to someone under those circumstances?
Plenty of people are downright oblivious of many technologies’ useful and time-saving features — sometimes for years. Don’t take my word for it, though.
Presenting his research at a tech conference in 2002, Jim Johnson — the founder and chairman of The Standish Group — confirmed what many industry types have long suspected: In a typical software program or system, the majority of users ignore nearly two-thirds of its available features. Put differently, most folks usually know just enough to get by. When we spoke in May 2020, Johnson relayed that his firm’s subsequent studies have confirmed that not much has changed since then.
Generally ...
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