Chapter 12

Getting Everyone to Zoom Together


check Understanding why people are unlikely to resist using Zoom

check Giving advice on why individuals and employees need to embrace Zoom

I’m going to go out on a limb here: The chapters in this book have energized you. You’re now thinking about all the ways that Zoom can improve how your colleagues, friends, and others collaborate and communicate.


There’s just one small problem, though. Success with Zoom is not only or even primarily about you. To realize its benefits within your team and throughout your organization, your coworkers and friends need to embrace it as well. Make no mistake: Zoom does not exist in a vacuum — and therein lies the rub.

This chapter offers advice on how to get your colleagues to share your excitement about Zoom. Ideally, this feeling will translate into widespread usage. As a result, everybody wins. Your organization, employees, colleagues, customers, and partners will reap its significant rewards.

Understanding the Relative Ease of Zoom Adoption

In my years, I’ve learned quite a few things about how technology and people intersect. The following truism lies at the top of the list: When it comes to technology, people generally hate change.

Although usually understandable, this mindset is still ...

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