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Quantum Computing

Basic Introduction to Quantum Computing

Published by Pearson

Intermediate content levelIntermediate

Quantum computing for everyone.

  • This course is continuosly updated to provide the latest context and understanding
  • Expanded coverage of Quantum Algorithms
  • Additional details on Quantum Networking

This is an introduction to quantum computing meant for those in IT, cybersecurity, and related fields who might not have substantial math or physics background. The concepts will be explored with minimal mathematics. This would include basic concepts, the use of the Bloch sphere, quantum superposition, and quantum gates. Particular attention will be paid to practical applications such as the impact on cryptography and security. Quantum resistant cryptography and the NISTIR 8240.

Quantum computing is fast approaching a practical reality. QC impacts the future of computing as well as security issues. QC will render current asymmetric cryptographic methods insecure. That requires QC resistant algorithms. IT personnel and cybersecurity professionals must have at least a basic conceptual understanding of quantum computing.

What you’ll learn and how you can apply it

  • Understand conceptually quantum computing
  • Have a fundamental understanding of quantum gates
  • Know the impact of QC on cybersecurity and cryptography
  • Understand the basics of quantum resistant cryptography

This live event is for you because...

  • IT personnel (programmers, network admins, etc.) can gain an understanding of quantum computing without having an extensive physics and math background.
  • The impact of QC on IT and cybersecurity is so significant that all professionals in these fields need to have at least a working knowledge.
  • It is a prerequisite for more advanced training.


  • None. This is meant for those without a relevant background.

Recommended Follow-up:


The time frames are only estimates and may vary according to how the class is progressing.

Segment 1: Introductory concepts (45 mins)

  • What is quantum physics
  • How does it relate to computing
  • History of QC
  • Break (10)

Segment 2: Just a little math (45 mins)

  • Some very basic discussion of vectors
  • Bra-ket notation
  • Probabilities
  • Break (10)

Segment 3: Quantum Computing and Security (45 mins)

  • Current cryptography
  • What QC means to current cryptography
  • Shor’s algorithm
  • NIST competition
  • A look at some specific algorithms.
  • Break (10)

Segment 4: The near future (30 mins)

  • Current state of QC and coming steps
  • QC Challenges
  • QC and AI

Course wrap-up and next steps

Your Instructor

  • Dr. Chuck Easttom

    Dr. Chuck Easttom is the author of 42 books, including several on computer security, forensics, and cryptography. He is also an inventor with 26 patents and the author of over 70 research papers. He holds a Ph.D. in computer science, a Ph.D. in Nanotechnology, a Doctor of Science in Cybersecurity, and four master’s degrees (one in applied computer science, one in education, one in Strategic and Defense studies, and one in systems engineering). He also holds 80 industry certifications. He is a senior member of both the IEEE and the ACM. He is also a Distinguished Speaker of the ACM and a Distinguished Visitor of the IEEE. Dr. Easttom is currently an adjunct professor at Georgetown University and Vanderbilt University.