Kubernetes Office Hours with Jonathan Johnson
Published by O'Reilly Media, Inc.
Get your questions answered
Drop in during Office Hours to get your Kubernetes questions answered with popular trainer and expert Jonathan Johnson. Whether you’re learning Kubernetes, have taken a course from Jonathan, or simply want to listen in and learn from others’ questions, you’re sure to enjoy the lively discussion. Join in to ask your questions about containers, microservices, Pods, and common objects; application patterns, observability, extensibility, and Operators; service meshing, serverless, and CI/CD pipelines...or any of your other K8s quandaries.
O'Reilly Office Hours offer a space for our members to interact with our experts live to ask technical questions about topics from their live online courses, do some real world troubleshooting and problem solving, or just listen in to some Q&A on bare-bones technical know-how.
What you’ll learn and how you can apply it
- Understand Kubernetes basics and how Kubernetes works
- Learn how to construct containers and add them to Pods
- Explore best practices for building microservices-based apps
- See how to assemble applications on Kubernetes
This live event is for you because...
- You have questions about Kubernetes.
- You'd like to hear what other people are thinking about around Kubernetes.
- Come with your questions for Jonathan Johnson
- Have a pen and paper handy to capture notes, insights, and inspiration
Recommended follow-up:
- Take Kubernetes in Three Weeks: Part I — Containers, Microservices, Pods and Common Objects (live online training course with Jonathan Johnson)
- Take Kubernetes in Three Weeks: Part II — Application Patterns, Observability, Extensibility and Operators (live online training course with Jonathan Johnson)
- Take Kubernetes in Three Weeks: Part III — Service Meshing, Serverless, and CI/CD Pipelines (live online training course with Jonathan Johnson)
- Read Kubernetes Up and Running, 2nd edition (book)
- Read Kubernetes Patterns (book)
- Read Kubernetes Best Practices (book)
The time frames are only estimates and may vary according to how the class is progressing.
Tuesday, April 6, 2021, at 7:00am PT / 10:00am ET
- Interactive discussion and Q&A (60 minutes)
Your Instructor
Jonathan Johnson
Jonathan Johnson is an independent software architect who concentrates on helping others unpack the riches in the cloud native and Kubernetes ecosystems. He’s halfway into his second score of engineering commercial software, driven by his desire to design helpful software to move business forward. He began with laboratory instrument software and was enticed by the advent of object-oriented design to develop personal banking software. Java exploded onto the scene, and since then Jonathan has inhabited that ecosystem. At 454 Life Sciences and Roche Diagnostics, Jonathan returned to laboratory software and leveraged Java-based state machines and enterprise services to manage the terabytes of data flowing out of DNA sequencing instruments. As a hands-on architect at Thermo Fisher Scientific, he applied the advantages of microservices, containers, and Kubernetes to its laboratory management platform. Jonathan enjoys comparing and sharing his adventures with peers—particularly, ways to modernize application architectures while adhering to the fundamentals of high modularity and low coupling.