O’Reilly events code of conduct

We want the O’Reilly learning experience to be safe and productive for all users. To that end, this code of conduct spells out the behavior we expect from users of our services. The core of our approach is this:

We don’t condone harassment or offensive behavior by anyone using the O’Reilly learning platform or other O’Reilly services. It’s counter to our company values. More importantly, it’s counter to our value as human beings.

We’re committed to ensuring appropriate behavior by all O’Reilly users, and we will not tolerate harassment in any form. This applies to all learning formats and features available on the O’Reilly learning platform, including live events and interactive labs, challenges, and sandboxes, as well as to any O’Reilly events held outside the platform. Examples of harassment include offensive comments, verbal threats or demands, sexualized images or references, intimidation, stalking, sustained disruption of learning activities, and unwelcome sexual attention. Harassment also includes slights and negative messages, both unintended and intentional (sometimes called microaggressions).

Additionally, we expect everyone, whether participating on camera or off, to conduct themselves professionally at all times and to avoid doing anything that is distracting to other attendees. Participate responsibly—please do not share personal information about yourself or others or disclose information that you are obligated to keep confidential.

We require all users and trainers to follow the code of conduct while using O’Reilly services. Those asked to stop any harassing or inappropriate behavior must comply immediately. Anyone violating this code of conduct may have their access to the O’Reilly learning platform revoked without a refund at the discretion of O’Reilly Media.

We invite you to help us make each O’Reilly learning experience a space that’s welcoming and respectful to all users, regardless of race, gender identity and expression, age, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, national origin, ethnicity, or religion—so that everyone can focus on the learning itself and the great networking and community-building that happens when we learn together.

Please bring any concerns to the immediate attention of Yasmina Greco, our director of online training events, at You may also call +1 707-827-7027 or fill out this form to report violations. We thank our users for your help in keeping O’Reilly welcoming, respectful, and friendly to all.

Updated August 10, 2022