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O’Reilly has all the latest developments, practical advice, and forward-looking insight on ChatGPT (and its competitors) and large language models that you need.

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O’Reilly’s “radar”—our reputation for recognizing the most interesting possibilities in emerging technologies, tracking where they’re headed, and sussing out the most practical and profitable use cases—is legendary. But we offer more than just insight. Our learning platform provides all the practical, up-to-the-minute resources you need to stay ahead of the curve.

Take generative AI, for example. If you want to move past the hype, we’ve got you covered.

“I’ve been present for—and participated in—some of the biggest technological advancements of the past four decades. Today, we are at the next inflection point—one that is perhaps the most impactful yet… However, we can’t properly harness what we do not understand. Learning about large language models is now vital for every business and every knowledge worker.”

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